Season 46 Round 8 / 60
Game Time 2025 Feb 13, 22:19 UTC(+00:00)

CNN10 F4 News Report R20

Published by   SKIPS at 2024-07-10 13:18 (7 months ago)

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Hello everyone i am Skips, Your weekly F4 News Reporter
If anyone thought that this would be a one stop pop shop then you would be incorrect.
because today, we are moving out of the Lands of Portugal and now move on to the most popular league in the whole game
Thats right today we are talking about: England
In Todays top news:Undefeated? Yes. At the time of this post "Cool Football Club's" record is "11-1-0 with a 7 point lead!
The next closest is Wallsall With again needs 8 more points if he wants 1st Place.
Now its quite the oppsite from these two recent promotions
Both "Dukla Liverpool FC" and High Park FC" both with 0 points on the board
"Cool Football Club" Is on a 6 Title winning streak from season 32 to now.
These fans must be so proud of their club with these amount of sliverware coming in to their grounds.
thats all we got from the Big Legaues but we aint done yet
Its time For the one that you have probably been waiting for, Its time for "Worth It Or Bust"
For anyone Thats new to this Report it is where I Talk about players that were recently transfered over and see if it was worth it or not.
(DISCLAMIER: This is just Opinion if i talk about your club's transfer do not take it Seriously, Thanks)
First Up is :Tahnoon Alzaabi For 86.9 million
From "Rushing Bears" to now "SPUTNIK 1"
A 33 year old Attacking Mid whose 80 rated. For this kind of pricetag i have to say that's its worth it. He will regress sure, But he got a 80 rated for almost 87 million.
Thats a bargain in my opinion
Next up is
Alejoa Griffin for 39.7 Million
From "Clube Oriental de Lisboa" to now "Atlético Potiguar" a 27 year old center back whose 58 rated.
Without a doubt this guy is worth it heck even i would have tryed to get him cuz of his good stats.
And finally the last one for this segment is:
Gustaf Tamudo For only 18.5 million
from "Casa Pia Atlético Clube" to now "Kuching City" 36 year old whose 58.6 rated WM since he is not retiring this season
it is 9 million a season for someone who is pretty decent. again id say this is worth it as well.
Now This is the end of "Worth it or bust" for this report.
And now a New segment "Did they live up to the Potental?" Requested By a man Named "Paul Doe"
what this does is as follows, I take a look at a old player from about 10 ish seasons ago and see if he had live up to his potental
The first person Is from season 26 is
Boaz Strickland a now 29 year old WM whose 41 rated But is not on any team at the moment.
He will be put up on the free agent list soon i think.
during his first season he was 22 rated when he was 16 and now he grew 20 ratings but he is now in his 13th season
Im'a say that he didnt quite live up to his potental now being a 41 rated being left out to die in the free agent market.
And the final person i will do for this report is from season 28,
It Is Bartram Wilkes 4/5 a now 29 Year old CB playing for "Virgo Bulldogs" whose now 65 rated.
He had a good transfer history bouncing between clubs to club But then staying at bulldogs since season 33
He was a 17 year old who was 15 rated but grew a lot to now who he is today
Id say that he is worth his potental.
Thats all we got for todays Report of England
Again If you want to be mentioned in the next one please leave a idea or a legaue that you want me to add into my next report in round 30
But, Be on the lookout for a report in round 24 cuz i will be going over all major trophie group stages and see who made it out of their group.
But anyway i will see yall in round 24. or round 30 for the main stuff.
This has been Skips and you have a good day for the rest of today.
This has been brought to you By CNN.
Last updated by   SKIPS at 2024-07-10 13:18 (7 months ago)