Season 39 Round 53 / 60
Game Time 2024 Jul 27, 09:25 UTC(+00:00)

Changes For Season 28

Published at 2023-07-08 08:06
Updates To Transfer Restrictions

There have been a lot of requests and suggestions in the past regarding changing the transfer restrictions. After studying a few seasons of transfer data, we came to the conclusion that some of these suggestions are valid and the current restrictions need to be lightened a bit. We can always analyse the effects more precisely later and change it again in case it helps cheaters in anyway.

So these are the updates to the transfer restrictions which will be in effect from next season (Season 28) onwards:
1. Player purchases : The restriction of 1 transfer between teams per season (purchase or sale) will be changed to 1 purchase per season from the same team. You will be able to purchase a player from the same team even if you have sold a player to that team in the same season.
2. Maximum number of purchases : The restriction of 4 players per season will be removed. There won't be any restrictions on this regard going forward, unlimited number of purchases will be allowed.
3. Player loans : Restriction of one loan (in or out) between teams per season will remain as it is. This is key to promote interaction between teams and also to ensure fair participation of all teams in loan activities.

Hope this helps teams trying to utilize their funds more efficiently, especially towards end of seasons.
You can discuss more about this in this forum thread