Season 46 Round 8 / 60
Game Time 2025 Feb 13, 22:59 UTC(+00:00)
Tips For New Managers
Ady Philips
2024-08-28 15:38
I’ve been here a couple of seasons or more. Managed to get promoted once then came back down. Since then I’ve struggled on what to do best.
Any tips and advice v welcome. Direct message if you want.
2024-08-29 04:38
Ady Philips wrote :
I’ve been here a couple of seasons or more. Managed to get promoted once then came back down. Since then I’ve struggled on what to do best.
Any tips and advice v welcome. Direct message if you want.

You are in the toughest league of F4Football. I would advise to build on infrastructure first and look at improving your team (buying players) only after you start generating decent income every season.Sometimes it is best to stay in lower division before you are strong enough to get promoted and stay there.
Mr. Paul
2024-09-07 13:39
I'll give the club away for free.
I don't want to play anymore, but it's a pity to quit, it's a good club.
Write to anyone who is interested.
Deleted User
2024-09-07 15:53
Mr. Paul wrote :
I'll give the club away for free.
I don't want to play anymore, but it's a pity to quit, it's a good club.
Write to anyone who is interested.

It's a pity
Darshan Shinde
2024-09-08 02:32
Mr. Paul wrote :
I'll give the club away for free.
I don't want to play anymore, but it's a pity to quit, it's a good club.
Write to anyone who is interested.

sell the players like someone did few days back, this ensures that multiple people gain from your departure as only 1 transfer per manager.
also i dont think buying and selling clubs would be right according to the rules.
and lastly, this isnt the right forum for this discussion.
Darshan Shinde
2024-09-09 15:39
hi, i play more than 30 friendlies, mostly 45 - 50 in a season - in this case, which should be the 30 matches i choose? what is the criteria experienced managers follow? i think currently its selecting first 30 by default - @fathima and others
Paul Doe
2024-09-09 15:54
@Darshan Shinde
Firstly, it is worth playing all possible 60 friendly matches in the season. Each match is 125 thousand "money", 7.5 million for the season.

About the experience. If I'm not mistaken, I hope Fatima will correct me, in a friendly match, the team's players receive 50% of the average experience of this team. For the experience of young players, it is better to set matches with experience for 30-60 rounds so that the average level of experience of the players is higher.

Also, friendly matches increase the morale of players, so you can use matches without experience to maintain the morale of the main squad while the "youth" squad plays in the championship against bots.
2024-09-09 17:12
Darshan Shinde wrote :
hi, i play more than 30 friendlies, mostly 45 - 50 in a season - in this case, which should be the 30 matches i choose? what is the criteria experienced managers follow? i think currently its selecting first 30 by default - @fathima and others

Getting morale up and keeping it there is the priority for me, so if I use the friendly for that, I turn off experience. If morale is at 100% for my main squad, then I use the friendly for xp. Only reason why I wouldn't is if a guy got hurt and I really wanted him not to miss any of the 30.
2024-09-09 17:24 Edited by Fathima at 2024-09-09 17:26
What Houderat and Paul said.

Each match gives you ticket income. So you lose out on that if you don't play all 60. Although it becomes negligible when your team becomes good

Friendly matches are a useful way to get your morale back after a loss. Play your first team and turn xp off for such matches. I always use the first 3-4 matches of the season purely to gain morale

Finally a correction to what Paul said. Xp is calculated the same way for all xp-enabled friendly matches. But only the average xp of your own team is considered in friendlies for xp gain calculations. So keep average xp high, around 55+ for maximum xp gains. A mix of your highest xp players and lowest xp players will give you best results.

Read my blog on xp gains for details
2024-09-10 18:17
Well done Fathima, the article is really clear.

Just one thing I can't do is enable/desable the option. When I am on my matches/Custome Matches. I am just seeing the scedule and no option to deactivate or actiate the XP gain
Paul Doe
2024-09-10 18:32 Edited by Paul Doe at 2024-09-10 18:34
@Marcel Look at the first column with the heading "Exp". It has red (players do not gain experience) and green circles (players gain experience). Clicking on the circle activate or deactivate XP gain and changes its color. This can only be changed in matches that have not yet been played.
2024-09-10 19:35
Clear, thanks