Season 46 Round 51 / 60
Game Time 2025 Mar 07, 02:48 UTC(+00:00)
Hire staff
2022-11-01 00:59
Hello, I have a question about hiring employees, this game has been determined whether or not the 3 positions of staff are physical therapists, coaches and scouts must have 2 each or not, because in the previous season I had hired a coach of 3 people, the number of scouts. 1 person and number physiotherapist 2And at the end of the season one of my coaches had retired. I tried to hire a new coach but there were no messages or notifications telling me if anyone had offered a higher offer or not. I waited until 8 hours had passed. No hiring has taken place so I'm wondering if this season has changed the staffing or how, best regards, thank you.
2022-11-01 05:16
You only need (and must have) one really good physio (as close as possible to 99). This will help your players recover fitness back faster after a match. The actual fitness gained back per 30 minutes is shown on your training page.
You only need one scout, and only when necessary.

Scouts and Physios of high rating are usually easy to obtain without much competition. You can even hire a retiring one, since replacing them at start of every season is never going to be a problem.

Hire coaches for all other 4 (or 5) spots. You have 6 different skills applicable for coaches so you might need to either get 2 coaches with high rating in two skills, or get coaches with one high rated skill and rotate every season based on how you want to train your players (which skill is the most required to train). For example you can get an endurance coach for one season and train stamina/speed for a lot of players that season, next season you can sack him and get a goalkeeping coach.
2022-11-01 05:58
I've coaches that cover all my training, looking for a coach with two high skills is better to help cover every department quickly without needing to hire each season.
Always look for coaches with atleast 90 in two skills.
Fathima explained better what staff you need, 1 physio 1 scout, 4 coaches, so search for 2 in 1 coaches.
2022-11-01 07:18
Good tip Fathima.
On a slight tangent to the original topic, I have a coach retiring this year at 55 which I think is too low. I reckon backroom staff in the real world work until 60 and contemplate retirement after that with some working through to their 70s and beyond if that was their (imaginary) choice.
Maybe 20% retire 55-60 and the remaining 80% from 60 onwards with a higher probability the older they get.
2022-11-01 10:08
Oh thank you very much, this is something I really didn't know before, thanks again for the advice sir.
But my problem is that as I said before, the only thing I found to have changed after getting the contract offer rules is the auction deadline but the price didn't change even though I was confident that I did. Enter any number
2022-11-01 10:26
Deadline is 12hrs for a new staff/loan/player bid.
But 8hrs if bid has been started by someone else and has already count passed 4hrs or more, before you place a bid. It goes back to 8hrs everytime someone bid.
2022-11-02 02:03
Don-x wrote :
Deadline is 12hrs for a new staff/loan/player bid.
But 8hrs if bid has been started by someone else and has already count passed 4hrs or more, before you place a bid. It goes back to 8hrs everytime someone bid.

For example, if one bidder has already bid and the remaining bid period is 5 hours or less, any additional bids will not work, correct or not?
If so, then why doesn't any of my bids apply to any code? The previous highest price when I bid doesn't change.I am implying that every time I place a new quote that is higher but it usually doesn't work, the highest price is still the previous price that I quoted my last bid, hence the bid period. The word must have something to do with comment 6, but since I still don't quite understand it, I may have to ask a few more times because one thing I see is all the coaches I've had in bidding. Usually the remaining time is less than or equal to 6 hours, this is why any bid has no effect.
2022-11-02 02:06
I have to say that since I started playing this game in season 18, I've only been bidding for the first time and people will bid against me, but I've never actually been able to bid after the first one. Doubts and have to ask in this community.
2022-11-02 05:03 Edited by Fathima at 2022-11-02 05:07
Siwakon wrote :
For example, if one bidder has already bid and the remaining bid period is 5 hours or less, any additional bids will not work, correct or not?
If so, then why doesn't any of my bids apply to any code? The previous highest price when I bid doesn't change.I am implying that every time I place a new quote that is higher but it usually doesn't work, the highest price is still the previous price that I quoted my last bid, hence the bid period. The word must have something to do with comment 6, but since I still don't quite understand it, I may have to ask a few more times because one thing I see is all the coaches I've had in bidding. Usually the remaining time is less than or equal to 6 hours, this is why any bid has no effect.

Do you get any message saying the board has blocked the bid? Your board won't allow any bids more than the minimum wages requested by the staff if you do not have a certain available balance in your bank. There are a few threads discussing this and you can find the exact calculations in those.

See this thread
2022-11-02 06:18
Yeah mate
That must be the restriction from board, check the message after bidding green means success, red means failed.
Check the thread fathima post for the exact calculation
2022-11-02 08:51
thank you everyone i will find it
2022-11-02 09:32
Your welcome