Season 39 Round 53 / 60
Game Time 2024 Jul 27, 09:55 UTC(+00:00)
A little bit questions
2022-11-11 09:14
Hello, I have a question to ask, do not know if all friends in this community are doing or not. I want to know how to solve it. When I play friendly league, all my players often get yellow cards and lead. To get fired a lot. I want to know how friends have a solution, and one more thing that I think but dare not offer is the maximum number of players in each team is not more than 30. Is it good? I just want. Would suggest if it was possible to increase to 40 or not. What does the rating of the team depend on? When I compete in a friendly league, the experience of managers and teams has skyrocketed.
2022-11-11 09:35
If you get too much cards on friendlies try to play easy tackle.
Yeah 30 squad size is good because of the state of the game....
What does the rating of teams depends on?
Not sure i get your question.
2022-11-11 09:44
I mean, is there a team rating going up or down, what factors are involved and what are the individual player ratings that can cause a change in ratings with the players? Also, I'm not too sure, so I would like to ask if the sub-skills, such as learning, flexibility, aggression, leadership, etc., can be developed, but if a player with low learning curve takes a longer time than the type. Am I understanding this correctly?
2022-11-11 09:45
Excuse me. How is a simple tackle?
2022-11-11 10:00
Another point that I am wondering is when will training efficiency increase I currently have 4 coaches, Level 4 Training Center, Level 1 Medical Center. I have tried to follow everyone's coach selection advice at I've asked in a previous thread the lowest training I've encountered is attack training, I want this value to be higher like the others, should I do more or not, or even something like. Defense, goalkeeping, etc. Thank you, I may ask too much, sorry.
2022-11-11 12:06
Siwakon wrote :When I play friendly league, all my players often get yellow cards and lead.

You play friendlies for xp (and also some fun). So use
"Easy" tackles - less fouls and chance of injuries. Beneficial for you and also for your opponent - respect them for helping you gain xp ;)
"Near goal" pressure - your players press less and save on fitness
"Defensive" - again, your players do not try hard and attack so save fitness
And avoid "possession" playstyle, in that your players try to keep the ball and end up spending more fitness.

Siwakon wrote :What does the rating of the team depend on?

It is the average of the top rated 11 players in your squad. Team ratings go up after friendlies because players gain xp from friendlies.

Siwakon wrote :
I mean, is there a team rating going up or down, what factors are involved and what are the individual player ratings that can cause a change in ratings with the players? Read here
The sub-skills (in your words) don't change. It is fixed for a player throughout his life ;)

Siwakon wrote :
Another point that I am wondering is when will training efficiency increase I currently have 4 coaches, Level 4 Training Center, Level 1 Medical Center. I have tried to follow everyone's coach selection advice at I've asked in a previous thread the lowest training I've encountered is attack training, I want this value to be higher like the others, should I do more or not, or even something like. Defense, goalkeeping, etc. Thank you, I may ask too much, sorry. read under "training programs"
If you have a bad attacking coach, stop training Shooting and Dribbling, and train on other skills which you have higher efficiency.
2022-11-11 13:16
Thanks for the advice, but still have a little doubt in the training section, we can click on any skill number of each player, it will be considered training that skill at all, is that correct? One player's heading skill and clicks on another player's dribbling skill number and presses the button for the two players to focus on the skill set, correct?
2022-11-11 13:19
Can each player click on more than 1 skill or not, or can it only be 1 per person?
2022-11-11 13:51
You can only select one skill per person on the training page. Whatever you select (and you should select something relevant to his position - for example tackling for a defender) will get trained in the next session and will continue to do so until you change it.