Season 39 Round 54 / 60
Game Time 2024 Jul 27, 15:09 UTC(+00:00)
Facilities - Where are people at?
2022-12-04 03:24
I'm currently building Level 17 Training centre.

I'm at level 6 Youth academy and can't get to 8 this season but will do so by the end of next season.

I got a level 1 fanshop but nothing else. It is profitable but only in a token way. I have a 40k stadium so increasing that not a big priority.

Once I'm at 8 Youth I'll go to 19 Training and then see what my finances are like. Level 20 seems a waste of money but i doubt i'll have anything else to spend it on - what are others doing or is everyone already maxed out?
2022-12-04 04:45
Stadium Name Stade de Montbauron
Stadium Capacity 45,000 seats
Fan Shop Level 2
Training Centre Level 19
Youth Academy Level 7
Medical Centre Level 2
Media Office Level 1
Guildmaster Chax
2022-12-04 05:44
Stadium Capacity : 15,000 seats ⬆️
Fan Shop : Level 1
Training Centre : Level 20
Youth Academy : Level 1
Medical Centre : Level 1
Media Office : Not Built
2022-12-04 05:47
Haha chax nice one
2022-12-04 06:24
After 10 full seasons

Stadium Capacity 44,827 seats
Fan Shop Not Built
Training Centre Level 19
Youth Academy Level 6
Medical Centre Not Built
Media Office Not Built
Herr Ademir
2022-12-04 06:54
Stadium 35k
TC 20
YC 10>11

just built these 3,

My next upates

YC 11>12
Cathering 1>3
Stadium 35k>40k
2022-12-04 08:23
After 12 Seasons

STADIUM NAME `Bomb'Field Arena

Stadium Capacity->35 000 Seat, Currently Building 40 000 Seat.
Fan Shop-5
Training Centre-12
Youth Academy-6
Medical Centre-4
Media Office-6
2022-12-04 08:43
Stadium Capacity 50,000 seats
Fan Shop Level 2
Training Centre Level 20
Youth Academy Level 10 (11 in 63 rounds)
Medical Centre Level 2
Media Office Level 1
2022-12-04 11:10
Stadium Name The Goldstone Ground
Stadium Capacity 50,000 seats
Fan Shop Level 10
Training Centre Level 16
Youth Academy Level 5
Medical Centre Level 2
Media Office Level 7 (upgrading to 8)
2022-12-04 11:59
Stadium Capacity 30,000 seats
Fan Shop Not Built
Training Centre Level 15
Youth Academy Level 8 ->9
Medical Centre Not Built
Media Office Not Built

Some experts say if mediaoffice and fanshop are profitable. I think no
2022-12-04 13:06 Edited by DarthCloud at 2022-12-04 13:07
Started in 13th season

Stadium Capacity 30,000 seats
Fan Shop Level 1
Training Centre Level 13
Youth Academy Level 8 (upgrading to 9 in 33 rounds)
Medical Centre Not Built
Media Office Not Built

karlacci wrote :Some experts say if mediaoffice and fanshop are profitable. I think no

Against Ello and his Birmingham City i had an income of $ 31,978 from Fan Shop.
In low levels surely it isn't much profitable
2022-12-04 13:10
DarthCloud wrote :

Against Ello and his Birmingham City i had an income of $ 31,978 from Fan Shop.
In low levels surely it isn't much profitable

It takes 100 games to make up the 3 million it costs LOL

No, in no way can it be a convenient investment!
2022-12-04 13:31
Its a shit facility lol
Guildmaster Chax
2022-12-04 13:38
Don-x wrote :
Haha chax nice one

2022-12-04 17:25
Stadium Capacity 45k
Fan Shop Not Built
Training Centre lvl 18 (lvl 19 building)
Youth Academy lvl 11
Medical Centre Not Built
Media Office lvl 1

Not seen the point of building medical centre.
2022-12-04 17:44
Stadium Capacity 41,614 seats
Fan Shop Level 2
Training Centre Level 19
Youth Academy Level 9 --> 10
Medical Centre Not Built
Media Office Level 2
Carsten Vejleaa
2022-12-04 20:09
Stadium Name Bibamus Stadium
Stadium Capacity 50,000 seats
Fan Shop Level 2
Training Centre Level 17
Youth Academy Level 9 -> Level 10 in 53 rounds
Medical Centre Level 2
Media Office Level 1
Great stars
2022-12-04 20:53 Edited by Great stars at 2022-12-04 20:55
Stadium Name Academia Shuchiin
Stadium Capacity 27,000 seats>(+3000)=30000 seats
Fan Shop Level 2
Training Centre Level 18
Youth Academy Level 8
Medical Centre Not Built
Media Office Not Built
2022-12-04 21:58
After 8 seasons:
Stadium Name St. Andrews
Stadium Capacity 37,500 seats
Fan Shop Level 2
Training Centre Level 15
Youth Academy Level 6
Medical Centre Not Built
Media Office Not Built level 1 in 14 weeks
2022-12-05 05:39
Stadium Name - Mad Minute Stadium
Stadium Capacity - 40,000
Fan Shop - Not Built
Training Centre - Level 16
Youth Academy Level 6 —-> Level 7
Medical Centre - Not Built
Media Office - Level 2