Season 39 Round 53 / 60
Game Time 2024 Jul 27, 09:46 UTC(+00:00)
Loan club season 23 (OPEN)
2023-02-03 15:54
If someone outbids, we can leave it right?
2023-02-03 16:30
Obay wrote :
If someone outbids, we can leave it right?

Yes...that's Correct Obay
2023-02-03 18:38
Uchiha wrote :
Obay wrote :
If someone outbids, we can leave it right?

Yes...that's Correct Obay

Thanks Uchiha, appreciated 😁
2023-02-04 07:42
Sorry i don’t get how know wich player i have to take on loan this Time? Link below my name is mine…
Bill Beaver
2023-02-04 08:19
Yvon, if you look under Jamie Best’s name, you’ll see your name at the end of the player you need to take.
2023-02-04 09:41
thx, was kind od blind this morning^^
Not available for transfer yet, but i watch out.
2023-02-04 11:06
Yvon wrote :
thx, was kind od blind this morning^^
Not available for transfer yet, but i watch out.

Yes @Yvon that player is no longer available for transfer other Manager already outbid you from him,so you leave it as it no further bid required.
2023-02-04 11:25

`The Only Remaining Loan Transfer,then we all be happy it went out smoothly this Season no errors.
Bill Beaver
2023-02-04 15:04
Well done, Uchiha and everyone involved. Very smooth loan club.
2023-02-04 15:32
Bill Beaver wrote :
Well done, Uchiha and everyone involved. Very smooth loan club.

Tnx Bill i`m glad the were no errors this time.We do it again next season Cheers :⁠-⁠)
2023-02-04 17:23
Great job Uchiha, the list was very well detailed.
Nice job 👍
Raicu Alin Daniel
2023-02-07 06:15 Edited by Raicu Alin Daniel at 2023-02-07 06:21
5 rounds in and one player i sent in loan as agreed here, had his loan cancelled by the manager @Andre... Not cool mate, not cool... I did some planning without keeping that player in mind and now this messed things up.... Maybe its time to restrict acces to this loan program to those who pull something like this??
2023-02-07 07:15
Raicu Alin Daniel wrote :
5 rounds in and one player i sent in loan as agreed here, had his loan cancelled by the manager @Andre... Not cool mate, not cool... I did some planning without keeping that player in mind and now this messed things up.... Maybe its time to restrict acces to this loan program to those who pull something like this??

As far as I know there is no impact on the experience your loaned player will gain this season. Which means that you will get the same xp, no matter if the loan get cancelled earlier or not.
2023-02-07 07:44
Raicu Alin Daniel wrote :
5 rounds in and one player i sent in loan as agreed here, had his loan cancelled by the manager @Andre... Not cool mate, not cool... I did some planning without keeping that player in mind and now this messed things up.... Maybe its time to restrict acces to this loan program to those who pull something like this??

You can't send back a player before Round 40. I just checked and Andre actually resigned from his team and took charge of a new team, may be players are sent back automatically when that happens.

And as Raderian said, it wont affect you at all. He will still gain experience the same way as if he was on loan, and you don't need to pay wages of loaned players when they return either. It is actually good for you that now you can just decide not to play him at all to avoid any injuries, or use him as a free/no wage backup for the season ;)
Raicu Alin Daniel
2023-02-07 07:51
Thanks for clearing that up, thought that if the loan was ended i'm back from scratch regarding the player's experience
2023-02-07 08:58
Sorry Raicu Alin Daniel you have to experience this,the loan club rule is you keep the player until round 50 not 40.In this Case the rule was broken but it seems it was no intentional as Andre decided to resign from his team and took charge of new team,So no actions will be taken regarding this.
2023-02-07 09:03
But I would like Tegimus to confirm,On what Raderian and Fathima explained so that we can be sure this won't affect your plans at all.
2023-02-07 09:13
Uchiha wrote :
But I would like Tegimus to confirm,On what Raderian and Fathima explained so that we can be sure this won't affect your plans at all.

Yes, I can confirm statements of Fathima and Raderian on this.
If a player returns from loan, playing him or not makes no difference. He will gain experience exactly what he would have gained if he was still on loan, and even if you play him that doesn't give the player any additional experience.
Mr J
2023-02-19 15:49
So I can get ahead of the ball for next season; how does loan club work?
Bill Beaver
2023-02-20 07:47
- About 10 rounds before the end of this season, whoever is kindly organising the loan club will open a new forum thread.
- You can then post 1 or 2 players you'd like to loan out next season. You have until about round 58 to do that.
- After that, the organiser will make a list of which clubs need to make loan bids on which players.
- In pre-season, you list for loan the 1 or 2 players you've posted
- Also in pre-season, as soon as you can see the players you've been told to bid on have been listed, you bid on them
- If someone overbids you, you don't have to increase your bid.