Season 39 Round 53 / 60
Game Time 2024 Jul 27, 09:47 UTC(+00:00)
Season ranking of countries
Alex Shapov
2023-05-06 17:38 Edited by Alex Shapov at 2023-05-06 17:42
I decided to make a simple ranking of countries on the base of their team's performance in the international cups this season. For the team reaching 1/8 finals in any cup I gave 1 point, 1/4 finals - 2 points, 1/2 finals - 3 points and for reaching the final - 4 points. Here's what we have:
Team - Points
England - 17
Greece - 13
Germany and Netherlands - 9
Italy - 7
Russia - 6
Australia, Portugal and Romania - 5
France - 4
Spain and Turkey - 3
USA - 2
Brazil and Malaysia - 1
Norway - 0

What do you think about such ranking?
2023-05-06 17:59
And for winning the final ?
Turan Metin
2023-05-06 18:21
Over time, Tegimus includes this event in the system..
Points and Country rankings of teams according to their progress in international cups
Turan Metin
2023-05-06 18:22
Alex Shapov wrote :
I decided to make a simple ranking of countries on the base of their team's performance in the international cups this season. For the team reaching 1/8 finals in any cup I gave 1 point, 1/4 finals - 2 points, 1/2 finals - 3 points and for reaching the final - 4 points. Here's what we have:
Team - Points
England - 17
Greece - 13
Germany and Netherlands - 9
Italy - 7
Russia - 6
Australia, Portugal and Romania - 5
France - 4
Spain and Turkey - 3
USA - 2
Brazil and Malaysia - 1
Norway - 0

What do you think about such ranking?

It is nice
2023-05-06 18:32
May be you need to give more points to Champions Cup, then Super Cup then challengers.

I think it will be nice to have such a ranking built into the game
Alex Shapov
2023-05-06 18:52
Andre73 wrote :
And for winning the final ?

I'm not sure that winning the final should give an additional point. Anyways this ranking system is just one of the possible systems.
Alex Shapov
2023-05-06 18:56
Fathima wrote :
May be you need to give more points to Champions Cup, then Super Cup then challengers.

I'd rather give more points to the cup where the 5th and 6th teams played because I'm more interested in the overall strength of different leagues and their "depth".
Alex Shapov
2023-05-08 13:10
Even more simple way to know which countries (top six teams) are generally stronger than others is to do the following calculation: (number of teams in 1/8 finals) - (expected number of teams in 1/8 finals).
The expected number is 3 because every country has 6 teams in the group stage (32 teams), and 16 teams (a half) make 1/8 finals.
Here is what we have this season:
England, Germany, Greece, Netherlands and Russia. +2
Italy and Portugal. +1
Australia and France. 0
Romania, Turkey and USA. -1
Brazil, Malaysia and Spain. -2
Norway. -3

Something like this could be used to determine the quotes for different countries, because the existing quotes allocation clearly doesn't reflect relative strength of the countries.
2023-05-08 15:37
And they shouldn't, at least not at this stage of the game.
Great stars
2023-05-16 02:13
Turan Metin wrote :
Alex Shapov wrote :
I decided to make a simple ranking of countries on the base of their team's performance in the international cups this season. For the team reaching 1/8 finals in any cup I gave 1 point, 1/4 finals - 2 points, 1/2 finals - 3 points and for reaching the final - 4 points. Here's what we have:
Team - Points
England - 17
Greece - 13
Germany and Netherlands - 9
Italy - 7
Russia - 6
Australia, Portugal and Romania - 5
France - 4
Spain and Turkey - 3
USA - 2
Brazil and Malaysia - 1
Norway - 0

What do you think about such ranking?

It is nice

I really had a very bad luck not passing next round

But yes.
Alex Shapov
2023-05-25 16:15
The 26th season's ranking:
Netherlands +3
England +2
France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Russia and USA +1
Greece, Spain 0
Australia, Romania, Turkey -1
Norway -2
Brazil, Malaysia -3
Alex Shapov
2023-05-25 16:30
The combined ranking:
Netherlands +5
England +4
Germany, Russia +3
Greece, Italy, Portugal +2
France +1
Australia -1
Romania, Spain, Turkey -2
Brazil, Malaysia, Norway -5
Alex Shapov
2023-08-01 12:04
The combined ranking of leagues (seasons 25-28):
England, Netherlands +9
Germany +7
Russia +5
France, Greece +4
Italy, Portugal, Spain +2
USA -1
Australia -2
Turkey -5
Romania -6
Norway -9
Brazil -10
Malaysia -11