Season 39 Round 53 / 60
Game Time 2024 Jul 27, 05:03 UTC(+00:00)
Season 26: Update To Loan Signing Fee
2023-05-08 08:56
There is a small change regarding loan signing fee from Season 26 onwards. This is not announced as a separate news item since the change is minor.

Currently, a player's own club do not receive the signing fees for a player going out on loan to another club. This was intended to avoid any abuse of the loan system to transfer money between clubs. However, many of our users were requesting us to drop this, and let the signing fee actually go to the club that loaned out that player. This incentivizes teams listing players for loan a bit more, and encourages them to list better players on loan since they will bring in more money.

Furthermore, a lot of other restrictions to prevent abuse were actually implemented on the loan system since the game was launched, such as limiting loans between teams to just one per season, board restriction to allow a maximum of 10% of available balance towards a loan signing, stopping transfers between teams playing from the same network etc. There is also a limit of maximum 2 players that can be loaned out by a team every season.

Considering these, we have now decided to allow the signing fees from loaning out a player to be received by the player's own team. This change will be in effect starting Season 26, and we hope it promotes loaning out better players by teams.

Feel free to discuss below as usual.
2023-05-08 09:27
I personally love this change. I have been loaning out players around 50 rating always, and that extra income means a lot.
This will also benefit relegated teams (or new teams in lower divisions) with players much higher rated than league average. They can make some extra money by lending top players which they anyways don't need for a promotion push.
2023-05-08 10:07
It's a good change,thank you Tegimus.

One thing I want to say,maybe it's wrong I post here, my apologize .
Sometimes on the transfer market happens strange things,I don't know if someone is looking but what I saw is this , some of user's have 2 or more teams and they make bids for the player to make the price go up,other thing I saw , they quick sell a player and after imediatly makes a bid from the second team.
I don't know how they do...,
But i only say,that for me i saw some strange things on the transfer market,maybe I'm wrong and also I don't want to give names . I hope everyone is playing fair, otherwise the fun of playing will be low.
2023-05-08 10:19 Edited by Tegimus at 2023-05-08 10:20
uLtRaSpYnAlL wrote :Sometimes on the transfer market happens strange things,I don't know if someone is looking but what I saw is this , some of user's have 2 or more teams and they make bids for the player to make the price go up,other thing I saw , they quick sell a player and after imediatly makes a bid from the second team.

Regardless of how many restrictions are in place or how alertly we are monitoring stuff, there will always be cheaters around and they will try to abuse the system. And thanks to some of our good users who always report such incidents, we always track them down and most of them get banned promptly.

Regarding the issues you mentioned above:
If you release a player, they don't immediately go to the teamless transfer market. They re-appear only after a random amount of time has elapsed. So they can't release a player and bid on him from another team immediately. Also, when a player re-appears in the market, he won't be the same player, his attributes will be reset, so they can't really gain much by waiting for the player to re-appear and then bidding on him.

The second issue - artificially manipulating bids to increase sale value - we can't do much to stop that happening. But it is clearly stated in the Game Rules that it is illegal, and if caught they will be banned without notice. Actually we have banned many users before who tried to do this, so if you see such an incident then report immediately, we have systems in place to detect multiple accounts and we will do our best to keep cheaters out.
2023-05-08 11:10
this is a good improve.
2023-05-08 18:59
This makes sense. Bringing it in line with real financial transactions of loan markets. Will be interested to see the quality of players on offer next season.