Season 39 Round 53 / 60
Game Time 2024 Jul 27, 05:31 UTC(+00:00)
[Q] Why did my sponsor deals decreased dramatically?
Engin Demir
2024-01-22 05:10
Michael wrote :
That was July - 7 seasons ago....

Your league is worse than it was then whereas you have continued to get stronger. Both your fixed amount and your win bonus offers should be lower than then.

From your post it seems to be working correctly - congratulations

Oh I remember you now. Aren't you the one who failed basic addition math for a whole week and still couldn't do it right even after that? No wonder you couldn't comprehend this subject.

Our league rating was 35 back then, when it was IMPROVED.
Now our league rating is 46.32

46 is bigger than 35. So you are completely WRONG in everything you said.... again...

Congratulations, you failed basic math yet again and managed to be wrong in every argument we ever made. I guess that's some sort of stability in your account. We can always count on you being wrong on math.
2024-01-22 05:52
Bro, there’s no need to be rude or put other players down. This is just a game and everyone’s trying to help each other out. If they were wrong then they were wrong, throwing it back in their face is unnecessary.
2024-01-22 07:27
I kept records of all the Div 1 and English Div.2 ratings at the start of each season at the time - the Turkish Div.1 was never as low as 35 in that period. Lowest I have it was 40.59 at the start of season 24. I did publish them on here somewhere for a while but they stopped showing anything interesting.

The relevant season, Season 28, Turkish Div 1 started the season at 47.89 and was 16th in the list of active leagues. It was the high point at that time for Turkey.

Now as you say it has decreased since then to 46.32.

Meanwhile you have increased your rating by nearly 20 points.

It's working exactly as designed based on league strength and relative team strength
Engin Demir
2024-01-22 16:00
Ajvix wrote :
Bro, there’s no need to be rude or put other players down. This is just a game and everyone’s trying to help each other out. If they were wrong then they were wrong, throwing it back in their face is unnecessary.

No, they are NOT trying to help anyone here. Those 2 have been deceiving new-comers long before I joined the game. I made many predictions for the future of the game and those 2 claimed they were IMPOSSIBLE! Now, we are all living that impossible together as the game crumbles under their greed and shatters into ruins of a group of arrogant veteran players.

Tell me I am wrong. Tell me that this game does not keep losing players.

Or.. Maybe you guys in the Netherlands league love playing the whole game with only a bunch of players around and are happy with new teams leaving the game.

I'm not. The game is becoming increasingly boring as new players get tricked into leaving the game.. Maybe it is also time for me to leave the game, so veterans can keep taking advantage of new players by deceiving them.

Yeah, I guess I'm done with lies.

Wish you all fun by gently and kindly ruining the game.
Loko Rodrigues
2024-01-22 20:22
Just an addendum. The rating that counts is your position in the League and in the season in general, it has nothing to do with the skill rating.
three, two, fight
2024-01-22 23:05
Loko Rodrigues wrote :
Just an addendum. The rating that counts is your position in the League and in the season in general, it has nothing to do with the skill rating.
three, two, fight

Lol - hornets nest officially open.....

I really don't think that's the case - or at least that would go against what Tegimus has advised, but I've never looked too closely at what I receive season to season in comparison to league position - in my case changes in offers have always seemed to be reasonable based on changes to the league rating and my team rating so I've never had reason to doubt what he's told us about it.
2024-01-23 03:42
Tegimus wrote :
Sponsor deals are not random, there are two parts to its calculation:

1. Fixed Amount: This includes the upfront amount and the amount per round. The maximum fixed amount available is based on your average league rating. However the total fixed amount will vary slightly based on the sponsor, a sponsor offering the highest upfront amount will give the least total fixed amount and vice versa. All teams in a given league can achieve the same total fixed amount.

2. Amount based on achievements: Includes the league position bonus and win bonus.
League position bonus is calculated based on your team's average rating compared to the average rating of your league. This amount will be lower if you are more likely to finish higher in that league. So this will be higher for weaker teams and lower for stronger teams.
Win bonus is calculated based on how many league wins you are likely to get. Similar to the league position bonus, this amount is also much higher for weaker teams, but the total win bonus per season might be higher for a stronger teams since they have the potential to win more games.

In your case, you can see the the fixed amount has actually gone up which means your league's average rating has increased compared to last season. But league position bonus and win bonus a lower for you since you are much better this season than other teams in your league and can achieve a higher league position and more wins comparatively easier than last season.

I don't want to say anything if you think tegimus wants to deceive new players or want to make them leave lol :D