Wonder Peppers is proud to finally announce the release of their shirts for Season 29!

Initially inspired by a graphic announcing Marek Hamšík (shirt featured below), the Wonder Peppers home shirt is a return to our more traditional light blue, with silhouettes of the pepper plant on the badge found on the front, back, and sleeves. To contrast this, the detailing on the sleeves, collar, Adidas logo, number, and name on the back, as well as the sponsor on the front, are all in, again, a more traditional orange color. The fiery orange is meant to represent the club blazing a path up the table and into the future.

The WPFC Away shirt for Season 29 features a splash of color, specifically, yellow! This is to mark a special and unique team, the level of which we have not seen before in the same way that this color is not one we have seen before on a WPFC shirt. The yellow and blue in tandem are reminiscent of the sun and rain, in either of which our boys will play, and also the conditions for good vegetable growing. The yellow also is the same as on the crowns featured on the standard Wonder Peppers badge, also indicating that this is, hopefully, the start of a royal-esque dynasty and golden age at the club. (The addition of the crowns was inspired by the crowns in a previous iteration of the badge, which had them on top of 3 peppers forming a cartoon shield that double as their stems.) On this shirt, the three crowns, representing green, orange, and red peppers, can be seen on the back of the collar. Finally, there is the US D1 badge on the left sleeve.

The third shirt in S29 for the Peppers is simple and elegant, monochrome but sporting a spiffy collar – perfect for our big entrance in continental competition. And what better color to announce our entrance than a dark red, scarlet/maroon number? After all, this is the color of red carpets, velvet ropes, and theater curtains. A bit of drama as we begin our maiden voyage in the Challenger Trophy. As such, the shirt also has on its sleeve the Challengers Trophy logo (that I designed).