Season 42 Round 39 / 60
Game Time 2024 Oct 24, 10:00 UTC(+00:00)
Olympic Games
2023-10-16 15:11
Alright I would like to introduce the idea of every 4 seasons olympic games will be held, the cool thing about these game would be that it's not a team that is selected, but individual players from all the different division no matter how low or high. It would be based on the rating of each player, and also his season rating. So even if you are in division 3 but you have one good player in your team he could be selected to participate for your country olympic games.

It would make everyone a chance to participate in a big event, which would make new players or less experience players have some fame and a chance to shine.

It would also give some money reward when your players play some OG matches for your club, and huge bonus experience for the player playing in olympics.

Please tell me what you think about this idea, I think it's what we all need and will be very exciting to see every 4 seasons.
2023-10-16 17:56
Overall that's a great idea! I would name it World Cup instead with some draft chance to become nation's manager, would be a great addition to the game
Nick Romero
2023-10-17 05:07
Yeah. Definitely thought about this before, would be cool to implement. One thing that would have to be worked around is the schedule though, having an extended offseason every four years would be a bit strange maybe? Also, I feel like there would have to be some sort of limit or quota depending on the country. Obviously some countries are more commonly seen on the game than others due to people customizing their players. People could just change all their squad to one country and flood the team with good players. What could be done about that?
Alex Shapov
2023-10-17 06:29
Nick Romero wrote :
Also, I feel like there would have to be some sort of limit or quota depending on the country. Obviously some countries are more commonly seen on the game than others due to people customizing their players. People could just change all their squad to one country and flood the team with good players. What could be done about that?

The solution is easy: don't allow to change player's nationality. Or maybe allow something like naturalization, so the player should play in your team for 5 seasons before you could change his nationality.