Season 43 Round 13 / 60
Game Time 2024 Nov 12, 06:37 UTC(+00:00)
Loan club season 19 (Closed).
2022-09-22 19:08 Edited by Don-x at 2022-09-28 21:32
Lets do it on a single thread. Can we? Maybe yes. Lets begin!.
Rules are the same.
»You MUST return a loan favour.
»You MUST not pick who to loan Draw are random.
»If you share IP-address with someone on loan club (make SURE tegimus is aware) SEND chat to me before the draw, to avoid trouble/reshuffling.
»You MUST allow a player to stay at your club until atleast round 50 of a season.
»Be quick to LOAN IN, On pre-season.
»To avoid injuries if the player becomes an important first team player, GET A PHYSIO of atleast great value.
Failure to abide to this rule will simply disqualify you from future seasons.
»»You can choose not to bid if someone else outbid you.
If we are in agreement, go ahead with the next stage:-
»Simply post your PLAYER NAME/LINK
How it works:-
I will pair it group by group depends on numbers.
Post your players until round 59.
Here is mine
2022-09-22 19:33
My 2 players:

GK Stefano Librenko

CF Christiano Chiquito
Mr. Ske 🔥
2022-09-22 20:48
Thank you for org.:

Carlos Sanchez

Syed Fahat
2022-09-22 21:47
I took part in loan club 5 but disappointed to see a manager cancel the loan on md 42 instead of md 50. Plus no response to my question why ?
What's the point of rule md 50 if it is ignored
2022-09-23 04:20
Ello wrote :
I took part in loan club 5 but disappointed to see a manager cancel the loan on md 42 instead of md 50. Plus no response to my question why ?
What's the point of rule md 50 if it is ignored

Maybe its pointless rule.
He did that to save wages. Though it does't affect xp gain.
Please lets keep this thread clean and post only players links.
2022-09-23 07:53 Edited by Dave at 2022-09-23 07:55
Thanks for sorting the loans.

Ernie Alotti

2022-09-23 13:29
Maybe anyone that does not keep to the rules should be excluded
2022-09-23 18:41 Edited by Don-x at 2022-09-23 18:47
Ello wrote :
Maybe anyone that does not keep to the rules should be excluded

Of cause if reported and found guity of damaging a player in any way.
If a manager didn't loan back a player.
Means a 3 season exclusion for me.
2022-09-23 22:55
Don-x wrote :
Ello wrote :
Maybe anyone that does not keep to the rules should be excluded

Of cause if reported and found guity of damaging a player in any way.
If a manager didn't loan back a player.
Means a 3 season exclusion for me.

What does this mean Don ? Surely if The rule is md50 then it is clear to see who broke the rule. Only exception is if the two managers agree it.
The case in question is a manager with 200m bank balance sending a player back early, avoiding wages and ignoring private message which asked why player was returned.
What's the point being involved in loan club if managers do not honour their side of the agreement?
2022-09-23 22:56
Or is it a case of;
It's ok as long as it doesn't happen to me
2022-09-24 05:43
Ello wrote :
Or is it a case of;
It's ok as long as it doesn't happen to me

Read the tutoral about loan again mate, there's nothing wrong with a player being send back to parent club after two third of the season, if that happens he will continue to gain xp as if he was still on loan.
Its just about users coming together to arrange an easy loan deals between themselves, and anymanager that fail to return a loan favour between the users in this group is improper and will be excluded in next.
As for loan termination read the tutoral or talk to tegimus.
Bill Beaver
2022-09-24 07:05
Many thanks for organising.


2022-09-24 07:28
Don the rule has always been part of loan club rules, keep the player until md50. How can you set the rules, specify md50 then reply to me saying there is nothing wrong with breaking that rule ?
As I said it seems ok if it doesn't happen to you, but for me it is under hand and against the rules / goodwill of the loan club.

Shame to see such issues raising its head and shame to see you trying to dismiss it.
2022-09-24 09:47
Benjamin Reynolds
Marc Wild
2022-09-24 09:48
Nice one Don-X
My players for loan next season are:
2022-09-24 11:24
Suffolk saddler why did you send loan player back early to me ?
Loan club says you must keep players until md50 not md42.
I messaged you & asked but you did not reply, please explain
Mr. Ske 🔥
2022-09-24 13:33
Ello you are annoying ...
2022-09-24 14:26
Trust and honour is important Mr Ske, if someone cannot play by the rules then I am afraid they should be excluded.
Each loan club has had the same rule so over to Don at this stage, but I make no apology for expecting people to abide by the rules.
I thought you would be in agreement that md50 should be honoured mr ske?
2022-09-24 15:02
My 2 players:

AM Kristjan Asllani

WF Sebastiano Esposito
2022-09-24 15:12
Ello wrote :
Suffolk saddler why did you send loan player back early to me ?
Loan club says you must keep players until md50 not md42.
I messaged you & asked but you did not reply, please explain

Yawn... you really are a big cry baby.