Season 46 Round 8 / 60
Game Time 2025 Feb 13, 21:37 UTC(+00:00)
No training start round 1
2022-09-30 00:22
No training at start of round 1
This must be bug
2022-09-30 01:46
Non training!! Round 1 must be fixed
Great stars
2022-09-30 02:25
Don-x wrote :
Non training!! Round 1 must be fixed

Same! Not training, please fix the bug!
2022-09-30 03:50
someone message tegimus directly otherwise he may not see it.
2022-09-30 05:07
There was a minor bug which ran the training successfully for only 15 teams. It is fixed now and all team trainings have been carried out for Round 1
2023-10-18 05:15
My stadium has 30k seats. I added 5k and for 2 days he tells me he has one more round. Bugs? Thank you .
2023-10-18 05:22 Edited by Michael at 2023-10-18 05:23
There has been no rounds over the last 2 days as we are in preseason - we're 19 hours from the next round though if that helps
Engin Demir
2023-10-18 05:27
Bunelu wrote :
My stadium has 30k seats. I added 5k and for 2 days he tells me he has one more round. Bugs? Thank you .

Preseason is a void duration and EVERYONE is on vacation. No training, no wages, no stadium/facility development.
2023-10-18 14:50
Thank you !
2023-10-19 05:07
You can see the full schedule for rounds from the "manager" menu under "schedule"
2024-07-26 14:59