Season 39 Round 53 / 60
Game Time 2024 Jul 27, 10:34 UTC(+00:00)
Changes for Season 23
2023-01-15 20:45
Tegimus wrote :
33 teams have requested so far to move to a newly opened country next season.

Australia 3
Brazil 3
Greece 5
Malaysia 2
Norway 3
Romania 7
Turikye 3

What a massive mistake opening new leagues. If all but England werent competitive, now there will be more leagues and all less competitive.
2023-01-15 20:53
Agreed, I don't understand the need for this when there are countries right now that consist of nothing but bots below League 1. Why take an already weakened competitive structure and water it down more?
2023-01-15 21:29
And the most funny thing 2 spot for champions league.
2023-01-16 05:24
All league 3s should be scrapped.
Alex Shapov
2023-01-16 08:06
texg8r wrote :
Agreed, I don't understand the need for this when there are countries right now that consist of nothing but bots below League 1. Why take an already weakened competitive structure and water it down more?

This. Can't agree more.
Gazza Robo
2023-01-16 09:55
Spot on..texg8r
2023-01-16 11:19
Don-x wrote :And the most funny thing 2 spot for champions league.

It is better this way, most of 3rd and 4th place teams are just too weak for CC, but the only way to get to SC is to throw away matches. With this change CC and SC will become truly competitive.

Also, having less continental spots in each national league means that more teams will move, thus slowly filling new countries. People have asked for some time for new countries, now, that we will get them, people complain. Pretty difficult times to be a developer..
2023-01-16 12:59 Edited by IceBox at 2023-01-16 13:00
Marius wrote :
Don-x wrote :And the most funny thing 2 spot for champions league.

It is better this way, most of 3rd and 4th place teams are just too weak for CC, but the only way to get to SC is to throw away matches. With this change CC and SC will become truly competitive.

Also, having less continental spots in each national league means that more teams will move, thus slowly filling new countries. People have asked for some time for new countries, now, that we will get them, people complain. Pretty difficult times to be a developer..

People who asked for new countries are users who like easy wins. Malasya with 2 users? Whoever goes there with the better team is secure to win every national trophy. What is the fun about that?

Tegimus is trying to attract users that do not join because their nation is not in the game, I understand that. But I would much like prefer for us to be all in one massive league, with 3/4 competititve divisions that all playing in different leagues playing bots if we are not at Division 1.1.

It would motivate much more to be at division 3 playing competitive to be promoted than this system.... but it is what it is.
2023-01-16 16:44
Not many like the grind, most users prefer the easy win. There's nothing wrong with that, in the end we are all here to enjoy ourselves.
Great stars
2023-01-16 20:09
Tegimus wrote :
33 teams have requested so far to move to a newly opened country next season.

Australia 3
Brazil 3
Greece 5
Malaysia 2
Norway 3
Romania 7
Turikye 3

I would like To know Who are the teams but well...
2023-01-17 00:27
Marius wrote :
Not many like the grind, most users prefer the easy win. There's nothing wrong with that, in the end we are all here to enjoy ourselves.

It is not always the case.
I had chosen England for a more competitive league.
However since there was a -right or wrong -decision to open new leagues I moved to my country of origin.
2023-01-17 07:24
Marius wrote :
Not many like the grind, most users prefer the easy win. There's nothing wrong with that, in the end we are all here to enjoy ourselves.

Yes Marius, I have tried to mentor a few people here. Most of them were on the verge of leaving because they thought the game was "hard" ;)
2023-01-17 09:10
Maybe the top league should be international and there are post-season playoffs of the winners of the national top leagues to see which champions promote to play in it.

Seems like a win win to me - get the national identity until you're a top team where you have to prove it against the best teams regardless of nationality.

To start it would predominantly be from english league potentially which with their league rejigged may make the english league comparable to the other countries - an immediate rebalancing....
2023-01-17 10:46
IceBox wrote :Malasya with 2 users?

I agree that this is an unusual choice. I would have chosen to open India, it seem odd not having the developer's country in the list.

Makmak wrote :It is not always the case. I had chosen England for a more competitive league. However since there was a -right or wrong -decision to open new leagues I moved to my country of origin.

This is one of the reasons we need new countries. Let's hope the economics of the game will provide the opportunity to have even more.

Fathima wrote :Yes Marius, I have tried to mentor a few people here. Most of them were on the verge of leaving because they thought the game was "hard" ;)

This type of game goes against everything we are experiencing. The niche is getting smaller and smaller, even some oldschoolers jump on the pay to win wagon.
2023-01-19 04:16
Posting this update since there was a request on chat for the same. As it stands, 36 teams have requested a move next season.

Australia 3
Brazil 4
Greece 5
Malaysia 2
Norway 3
Romania 7
Turkiye 3
Brian Priske
2023-01-19 07:35
Good morning,

Still thinking about it, but is it fair that the same number of tickets for continental football go to the new countries? Perhaps better 3 to 1 and a score for the best teams as is done in real life by UEFA
2023-01-19 09:52
Ghislain wrote :
Good morning,

Still thinking about it, but is it fair that the same number of tickets for continental football go to the new countries? Perhaps better 3 to 1 and a score for the best teams as is done in real life by UEFA

Its not fair overall, england 3rd and 4th place will dominate sc while the lesser competition will still go to england 5th and 6th placed teams. Because they will be too strong.
Brian Priske
2023-01-19 11:28
There is a maximum of teams
Guildmaster Chax
2023-01-19 12:30
Tegimus wrote :
Posting this update since there was a request on chat for the same. As it stands, 36 teams have requested a move next season.

Australia 3
Brazil 4
Greece 5
Malaysia 2
Norway 3
Romania 7
Turkiye 3

would love to join either my Malay or Aussie neighbor. but not now xD
2023-01-19 13:31
Ghislain wrote :
Good morning,

Still thinking about it, but is it fair that the same number of tickets for continental football go to the new countries? Perhaps better 3 to 1 and a score for the best teams as is done in real life by UEFA

I think it should be like 3 CC 2 SC and 1 new competition spot for existing countries, and 1 CC 2 SC 3 new competition spots for the newly opened ones. And then it can be revised every season based on how those new countries get populated