Season 39 Round 53 / 60
Game Time 2024 Jul 27, 10:09 UTC(+00:00)
Changes For Season 24
2023-03-07 18:32
Intensity options will be High, Normal and Low.

Maybe intensity could be varied maybe 25%, 50%, and 75% as no real team plays with full intensity for the whole game, they would be knackered. This could also bring in the element of if 1 team is playing with intensity and the other team is not they they would get more chances and then maybe swap when the roles are reversed later in the game when intensity changes.

Just a thought
2023-03-07 19:03
I think my main complaint against the way experience works is that it prevents wunderkinds from being a thing but I understand the need for an attribute like experience. Almost wish it went up faster when they are younger as they learn a lot more during initial pro experience and then the growth levels off the more experience they get
Luke Morrison
2023-03-07 23:22
Ignore me bad day. Getting worse. I will sort my team out
2023-03-07 23:24
Luke Morrison wrote :
Adam C. wrote :
Fathima wrote :
Come on Luke, it was announced a month ago, and tegimus had given a heads up on this atleast 2 or 3 seasons in advance. And it's the same for everyone, only the old players with xp much higher than skills are affected, it wont affect the younger players you trained at all.

I don't know which teams you are comparing with, but the formula is the same for everyone I guess. All players that dropped in rating for you are 30 yo or more, and a 29 and 26 yo who have very imbalanced skills and high xp. You were working on xp for your very old players? Something doesn't sound right there.

I agree with Fathima. The ratings update was applied the same to all players. Luke, you were taking advantage of the old system. The terms of the update were announced a season or two in advance. You had time to do some math and prepare accordingly.

It's also not a great look to call out "cry babies" in a post in which you're being a cry baby.

First time I’ve moaned in the forum. I’m not constantly in here complaining about stuff I see managers moaning about experience all the time.

I never meant to exploit the experience side of things it just came about that way at the end of this season. It’s all well and good saying I had time to change but I am not at club that’s been at a club for years and years I don’t have 500m in the bank to buy a new squad over night.

I understand that you won’t see it from my point of view as most managers been here since day one and have the money to change there team over night but I don’t and now I’ve been put back probably 4 or 5 seasons now.

This is a young game that is being actively developed.

I think we all agree that's great, but sometimes it means the changes go against what you have been doing or working towards.

You win some, you lose some. No harm in having a moan though.
2023-03-07 23:50
Hi Tegimus one question:
Is the intensity set up will impact the experience receive: it should be more logic that an high intensity match provide more risk of foul or injury , more fitness loss but also more chance of getting the ball etc but also more experience retrieved.

If it not maybe we should consider adding this, It would be a layer of choice for each match to consider

2023-03-09 06:28
Confused a bit

Please confirm what's on for current S24

I understood:
1 )Experience is used via the old system
2) Stamina is used via the old system
3) Ratings are displayed via the new system

Please confirm
2023-03-09 09:10
Makmak wrote :
Confused a bit

Please confirm what's on for current S24

I understood:
1 )Experience is used via the old system
2) Stamina is used via the old system
3) Ratings are displayed via the new system

Please confirm

If you read the first post in this thread you will know that experience, stamina and rating are all changed from this season. How much of a difference it makes, we have to wait for the first match to know that
2023-03-09 11:37
Fathima wrote :
Makmak wrote :
Confused a bit

Please confirm what's on for current S24

I understood:
1 )Experience is used via the old system
2) Stamina is used via the old system
3) Ratings are displayed via the new system

Please confirm

If you read the first post in this thread you will know that experience, stamina and rating are all changed from this season. How much of a difference it makes, we have to wait for the first match to know that

It 's not clear that stamina and xp impact changes are already active
Kasper A.
2023-03-09 11:51
Stamina has definitely not changed. If it has it went the wrong way
2023-03-09 15:33
No change in stamina over last year.
2023-03-09 17:12 Edited by Fathima at 2023-03-09 17:13
First league match:
Played with high intensity.
Most players lost 3-4 fitness. One player lost 5. All have 50+ stamina and the one who lost 5 points has 32 stamina.
GK lost just 1 fitness (51 stamina).
2 youth players with 21,33 stamina came in at 75 mins and lost 2 fitness. 1 youth with 39 stamina lost just 1 fitness after coming on at 75 mins

So yes, very much like how it was previously. But i guess lower stamina players tend to lose more fitness than it used to be before. Can find out after a few matches
Kasper A.
2023-03-09 17:30
What is the purpose of Winner Cup Shield? Why would I ever play my first team and risk loosing 5 morale points just before season start?
2023-03-09 18:39
Kasper A. wrote :
What is the purpose of Winner Cup Shield? Why would I ever play my first team and risk loosing 5 morale points just before season start?

Money, xp and prestige 😜
And if you win it, more money and more prestige. Morale gain if you win it. Morale loss for a loss, everything comes at a price.

By the way, @tegimus please update the prize money for the new competitions in the tutorial.
Kasper A.
2023-03-09 18:48
The price money is nothing. The prestige is nothing. CC winners will win 10/10. Then there is the Xp left and it shouldnt be an argument for the game
2023-03-09 20:15 Edited by Vasilis at 2023-03-09 20:20
Kasper A. wrote :
What is the purpose of Winner Cup Shield? Why would I ever play my first team and risk loosing 5 morale points just before season start?

Its a regular match. And an exprerience player like you , shouldnlt make this questions(for risk,morale). I think its obvious that is a regular not a custom match
2023-03-09 20:40
Kasper A. wrote :
The price money is nothing. The prestige is nothing. CC winners will win 10/10. Then there is the Xp left and it shouldnt be an argument for the game

You know....this is all just a game, right? I mean, how about for the fun?
Kasper A.
2023-03-09 20:49
Thank you Sherlock. There is difference between league and international matches so this match could be different too. Or just drop the match. It is unnecessary. Why should CC winners have a morale boost.
Kasper A.
2023-03-09 21:01 Edited by Kasper A. at 2023-03-09 21:02
texg8r wrote :

You know....this is all just a game, right? I mean, how about for the fun?

So is Yahtzee. But I dont play that game because it is a waste of time. Just like that match.
2023-03-09 21:59
Fathima wrote :
First league match:
Played with high intensity.
Most players lost 3-4 fitness. One player lost 5. All have 50+ stamina and the one who lost 5 points has 32 stamina.
GK lost just 1 fitness (51 stamina).
2 youth players with 21,33 stamina came in at 75 mins and lost 2 fitness. 1 youth with 39 stamina lost just 1 fitness after coming on at 75 mins

So yes, very much like how it was previously. But i guess lower stamina players tend to lose more fitness than it used to be before. Can find out after a few matches

Intensity certainly has a big impact on performance. Played a custom game on easy and got hammered despite having 10+ higher rating
2023-03-10 05:19
Kasper A. wrote :
Thank you Sherlock. There is difference between league and international matches so this match could be different too. Or just drop the match. It is unnecessary. Why should CC winners have a morale boost.

Dropping the match is not the best way to deal with it. A better suggestion would be to remove the morale drop.