Season 39 Round 54 / 60
Game Time 2024 Jul 27, 14:55 UTC(+00:00)
Experience Gains - Season 23
2023-11-17 08:53
How many players ?
2023-11-17 08:54
21 players 88 xp
Loko Rodrigues
2023-12-10 00:32
Loko Rodrigues wrote :
Very weak here, 94. My striker won 11. Next season I will prioritize training.

We have already surpassed the previous mark, 95 for now. This last third has more friendlies than official games, but we are still seeing good XP gains.
2023-12-10 04:05
My New gk niw +10 and will Go to +11
Engin Demir
2023-12-16 16:54
Only 105 total XP gain this season.
2023-12-16 17:17 Edited by Andre1973 at 2023-12-16 17:19
Only? I dont have 100 or.more
Only my young gk +11
Jamie Best
2023-12-16 22:33 Edited by Jamie Best at 2023-12-16 22:34
118 total gains this season across 22 players including the 9 gained of a player sold earlier in the week. Two biggest gainers were +12 and +11, whilst my loanees both had +7 each.

I focused this season on playing a more inexperienced side to gain xp so this has certainly helped increase the gains overall and it’ll be the same again next season whilst I focus on developing a team for the future
Carsten Vejleaa
2023-12-17 15:30
108 gains this season, 1 with 12 and 2 with 9 as the best.
Kasper A.
2023-12-17 18:51
113 XP gained. Quite pleased results in mind
Loko Rodrigues
2023-12-17 19:10
Loko Rodrigues wrote :
We have already surpassed the previous mark, 95 for now. This last third has more friendlies than official games, but we are still seeing good XP gains.

99 😅😅
2023-12-18 04:45
  Alexander Asenjo +9
  Edmilson Bignall +9
  Shahid Akpom +8
  Linc Manjarin +7
  Tomeu Kinsmann +7
  Elemer Garcia +6
  Hamdan Tchite +5
  Emilio Altaf +5
  Vic Qadir +5
  Ellery Meler +3
  Luis Allen +3
  Mohammed Salim +3
  Loy Syed +2
  Bedford Ayyub +2
  Everard Bravo +2
  Clemens Wasim +1
  Ubaid Trochowski +1
  Imran Cesar +1
  Kiki Bridges +1
  Phillip Goodman +1

Total +81 (+61 on U23 players)
Engin Demir
2024-01-16 05:46
Only 100 XP gain this season :(

Unfortunately, I was eliminated in the 1st rounds of all cups this season. Quality teams in Turkey leaving the game probably also impacted the xp gains.
Loko Rodrigues
2024-01-16 15:46
92 here, with the best winning 11 :(
Jamie Best
2024-01-17 08:48
109xp gained this season across 21 players, my two loanees gained 7 each. Biggest improvers shown below

CB Saif Baro +11
WM Abraham Fox +10
GK Usman De Guzman +9
GK Helder Mbia +7 (Loan)
WF Yankee Daniel +7 (Loan)
CB Stefano Villareal +7
DM Francis Al-Mubarak +7
WM Massimo Walden +7
Jamie Best
2024-02-21 08:51
114xp gained this season across 22 players, biggest improvers for the season shown below

WF Theo Mustafa +13
AM Mari Majid +10
WM Abraham Fox +10
DM Sohail Farnan + 9
CB Stefano Villareal +7
Canilas Georgiadis +7
WF Yankee Daniel +7 (Loan)
WM Massimo Walden + 6 (Loan)
CB Drake Ifran +6