Season 39 Round 53 / 60
Game Time 2024 Jul 27, 11:01 UTC(+00:00)
Changes for Season 22
2022-12-03 05:57 Edited by Tegimus at 2022-12-03 06:04
These are the updates planned for the next season. Please feel free to discuss below.

Youth Academy

The youth generation system will receive a major update starting from next season. It works like this after the update:
1. Youth players will be generated at the start of every season
2. The number of youth players produced and their age will depend on your Youth Academy level.
- At Level 1, you will receive one youth player with age 19.
- At Levels 2, 3 and 4, you receive one youth player but one year younger with each level. Which means, level 2 will give you an 18 year old, level 3 will give a 17 year old. At Level 4, you are guaranteed to get a 16 year old player at the start of every season.
- At Levels 5 to 8, you will get 2 players every season. One player is guaranteed to be 16 years old, the second player will be 19 at level 5, 18 at level 6, and 17 at level 7. At Level 8, you get two 16 year olds.
- Similarly, at levels 9 to 12 you receive 3 players. Two of them will be 16 yrs old, and third player will be 19 at level 9, 18 at level 10, and 17 at level 11. At Level 12, you get three 16 year players.
3. The position of the youth players generated will be completely random. However if you receive more than one youth player, each one will have a different position.
4. Even if you receive more than one player every season, you are only allowed to promote one player for free. For promoting a second player, you will have to pay 50% of his value, and for the third player 100% of his value as promotion cost.
5. All youth players generated will stay in your academy until the end of the season, and you can promote them anytime during the season.
6. When the first level of the youth academy is completed, you receive a 19 year old youth player immediately. And you will continue to receive youth players at the start of every season normally after that.

Player Nationality

We will allow changes to player nationalities as we have received a lot of requests from our users to allow this. However this feature is temporary, and we might change how it works in future once we introduce national teams and competitions. So this is how it will work for the time being:

1. You will be allowed to choose a Nationality for your Youth Academy. One of the youth players generated every season will be of this selected Nationality, and the nationality of the rest of the generated youths will be random. Using this feature will be free (no coins or Plus membership needed)
2. You can change a player's Nationality from his Player Profile page (same as you would update his name or squad number). However you can only update nationalities of players that are owned by your team. Nationalities of youth players can be updated only after they are promoted. Changing Nationality of a player however will require the use of coins (but it will be free for the time being until we fix the names database for all countries).

Automatic Filling of Custom Matches and Tournaments

If no teams have joined a friendly match created by you until the start of the round where the friendly match is scheduled for, the match will not get cancelled and a random bot team will join the match. This feature will be available for F4Football Plus members only and the user needs to be an F4Football Plus member at the start of the round where the match is scheduled.

In case of tournaments, bot teams will join to fill the tournament to make the number of teams the nearest of 4, 8, 16 or 32. If the tournament is "By Approval" only and has pending requests from teams to join, those requests will be automatically approved before bots join the tournament. This feature will be available for all tournaments regardless of whether the creator of the tournament is an F4Football Plus member or not at start of the round when the tournament is scheduled to begin.

Player Comparisons

Not a big feature, but can come in handy for quick comparison between the skills of two players. This will make it easier for you to analyze their strengths and weaknesses. This feature will be available only for F4Football Plus members.
Guildmaster Chax
2022-12-03 06:08
will the cooldown be the same? or is that going to be reworked too?
2022-12-03 06:39
Guildmaster Chax wrote :
will the cooldown be the same? or is that going to be reworked too?

There won't be any cooldowns anymore (if you meant youth generation time). All youths will be generated at the start of the season for all teams.
Kasper A.
2022-12-03 08:18
Great changes 😁
2022-12-03 08:24
This is a much needed reform for the Youth Academy.

P.S. you need to implement a thumb up for forum posts :)
2022-12-03 09:04
Will the level of youth academy impact starting skills or potential?

There was comment from you that currently if you have a good youth pull that it would reduce the chances of a good youth pull the following time - is that dynamic changing now?

Can you get two stars or is having two youths just increasing your chances of getting 1 star?
2022-12-03 09:21
Michael wrote :
Will the level of youth academy impact starting skills or potential?


Michael wrote :
There was comment from you that currently if you have a good youth pull that it would reduce the chances of a good youth pull the following time - is that dynamic changing now?

Currently we have a balancing method which ensures that you don't get multiple low Potential/low Learning players or extremely high Learning/Potential players in a row. But that limits only the extreme ends, generation of skills is completely random to an extent. But now since all youths for a season are generated at once, we can may be look to fine tuning that part of logic.

Michael wrote :
Can you get two stars or is having two youths just increasing your chances of getting 1 star?

You can still get two stars in the same season, but the probability of that will be low. And the probability of getting at least one star becomes higher when you get multiple youths per season.
2022-12-03 09:29
+1 fantastic series of changes. Will reshape the game.
2022-12-03 09:33
Thanks for confirming - it's hard to make an argument for having a youth academy beyond level 8 though in that case
2022-12-03 09:46
Great changes as usual.

This means more player positions to choose from, but I am worried you might not get the desired potential/learning on every position so it more or less becomes an automatic choice on which player to promote for free. But much better than the current system where you can only guess if you are going to get a good pull if you have another one coming in the same season. Also solves the dilemma of having to promote at end of season knowing the player would turn a year older in a couple of rounds.
2022-12-03 10:36
I don't understand why lvl 5 will generate 16y players, is the same as youth lvl 12, since we can't get 2 superstar in a row from the 3 pulls, and it cost 30m
Lvl 8 is just the best level what a joke update.
Guildmaster Chax
2022-12-03 10:53
Fathima wrote :
Great changes as usual.

This means more player positions to choose from, but I am worried you might not get the desired potential/learning on every position so it more or less becomes an automatic choice on which player to promote for free. But much better than the current system where you can only guess if you are going to get a good pull if you have another one coming in the same season. Also solves the dilemma of having to promote at end of season knowing the player would turn a year older in a couple of rounds.

i'm more worried about how this would impact the market. since all will spawn at the same time, undesired surplus will be sacked. meaning more rerolls on the teamless side. normal market will probably see reduced activity yet again.
2022-12-03 11:56
Guildmaster Chax wrote :i'm more worried about how this would impact the market. since all will spawn at the same time, undesired surplus will be sacked. meaning more rerolls on the teamless side. normal market will probably see reduced activity yet again.

Nobody would promote by paying 50% and then sack for 30%. And the free ones most of the people will keep
2022-12-03 15:15
Sounds good and I like that the fact that the proposed changes to academy promotions will give newer managers the opportunity to obtain younger ya's faster.
Any tweaks like this that may keep newer managers engaged in the game gets my vote every time 👍
2022-12-03 20:26
I ve been updating my youth to have 16s and even at level 10 i get more 17s than 16s... now a level 5 will have a guaranteed 16s? Are f**** kidding?

Good u want to attract new players but this system with new leagues is pushing me out
2022-12-04 03:06
This is a developing game so sometimes it will move against what you've been planning.

I've got a squad full of high learners of which half are now redundant long term as their potential is too low.

You've spent more on your youth academy than is now needed. You'll win some and lose some.

I struggle a little with the new leagues also, but look at the interest even in the forum - a lot of names posting I've never seen before - it generates interest and hopefully new players.

I do wonder if Div 3 should be killed off in all leagues when the new ones come in.
Kasper A.
2022-12-04 06:24
Of course it is worth having three youths pull instead of two. There is no guarantee for a decent pull. I would even say youth academy is even more important now.
2022-12-04 06:29 Edited by Don-x at 2022-12-04 06:41
IceBox wrote :
I ve been updating my youth to have 16s and even at level 10 i get more 17s than 16s... now a level 5 will have a guaranteed 16s? Are f**** kidding?

Good u want to attract new players but this system with new leagues is pushing me out

Its @lvl 4 that guaranteed a 16y.
Look at lvl 8 too, 2x 16y pull, what else do you asked for. Cheap maintenance compare to lvl 12 which got extra pull but 100% value which will hardly be an advantage.
Without changing the xp gains new league is useless.
2022-12-04 06:38
Don-x wrote :
IceBox wrote :
I ve been updating my youth to have 16s and even at level 10 i get more 17s than 16s... now a level 5 will have a guaranteed 16s? Are f**** kidding?

Good u want to attract new players but this system with new leagues is pushing me out

Its @lvl 4 that guaranteed.
Look at lvl 8 too, 2x 16y pull, what else do you asked for. Cheap maintenance compare to lvl 12 which got extra pull but 100% value which will hardly be an advantage.
Without changing the xp gains new league is useless.

You need to pay 100% of the player's value only if you promote all the 3 youths generated. At level 12, you are getting an additional youth player to choose from, you can ofcourse promote only one of them and discard the other two, that won't cost you anything.
2022-12-04 06:48
What we argue is that what should the lvl 4 produce a 16y and why should lvl 8 have 2x 16y.
The difference with lvl 12 that cost 100round/60m to build is just the extra pull that cost 100% which will never be paid, because of the balance of the yth gen.
To me its a bad move. @tegimus