Season 39 Round 53 / 60
Game Time 2024 Jul 27, 11:18 UTC(+00:00)
Changes for Season 23
2023-01-02 17:19
As we had already announced last season, Season 23 will mark the opening of new leagues in 8 more countries. The list of new countries are given below. But do not be disheartened if you do not see your desired country in the list, we will continue to open more countries in future as our user base grows bigger.

There will be a few other changes to the game too that will go along with these new leagues. All current teams can opt to move to one of the new leagues if they wish to, they can request for a move by opening a support ticket under the General category from the Support Centre. Requests will be entertained on a first come first serve basis, with the first teams to request a move allocated to the top divisions.

New Countries

8 more countries will be opened, with 3 divisions in each of them. They are:

1. USA
2. Greece
3. Romania
4. Norway
5. Brazil
6. Malaysia
7. Turkiye
8. Australia

Match Timings

League match timings will be distributed to 8 different slots to reduce match simulation loads on the server, league matches of two countries will be simulated during each slot. Global competitions like the champions cup and super cup will take place at 0600 and 1800 UTC, and the league matches will take place on either side of this time. This means the current league match time of 0700 UTC will change for all countries, the exact match timings for each country are listed below. National competitions of each country will also take place during the league match time for that country.

0200/1400 UTC : USA, Brazil
0300/1500 UTC : Romania, Norway
0400/1600 UTC : Germany, France
0500/1700 UTC : England, Netherlands
0600/1800 UTC : Global Competitions (Champions Cup, Super Cup etc.)
0700/1900 UTC : Spain, Italy
0800/2000 UTC : Portugal, Russia
0900/2100 UTC : Greece, Turkiye
1000/2200 UTC : Australia, Malaysia

Global Competitions qualification spots

Since we are doubling the number of available countries, we have to reduce the champions cup and super cup spots for each country into half. So for Season 24, each of the 16 countries will have only 2 qualification spots for the Champions Cup and 2 for the Super Cup each season. A new third global competition will also commence in Season 24, in which 32 teams can participate, so there will be 2 spots available for this new competition from every country.

Note that there won't be any teams in the Champions Cup and Super Cup from the newly opened countries in Season 23, and those teams can only qualify for the next season's competitions based on their league position in their first season. However any team that opted to move to one of these new leagues and had qualified for a place in a global competition from their old country, will retain their place and will take part in those competitions even during their first season in the new league.

Please feel free to discuss below.
2023-01-02 17:33
Andre wrote :
What is UTC

Universal Coordinated Time. It is a global standard for regulation of clocks and time.
For example, time in Netherlands now is UTC+1 which means when it is 0530 UTC, it is 0630 in Netherlands.
2023-01-02 17:55
Malaysia and no africa.
No more continental tour for 7th and 8th placed team right?.
Continental tour of f4 is not realistic anyway.
2023-01-02 18:06
Will we be able to change countries beyond Season 23?
2023-01-02 18:30
zjsechler wrote :
Will we be able to change countries beyond Season 23?

Turan Metin
2023-01-02 18:41
22. 23 when the season ended. it is true that we will change countries before the season starts.
2023-01-02 19:14
Turan Metin wrote :
22. 23 when the season ended. it is true that we will change countries before the season starts.

Country moves will happen between end of season 22 and start of season 23. So if you request for a move now, you will be in the new league at start of next season.
2023-01-03 08:33
About the new match timings, I am a bit concerned about the fitness of the players (when also playing in a global competition). It seeems to me that some leagues have a bit of advantage and get more recovery time before/after the global matches.
2023-01-03 09:11
Tegimus wrote :
Turan Metin wrote :
22. 23 when the season ended. it is true that we will change countries before the season starts.

Country moves will happen between end of season 22 and start of season 23. So if you request for a move now, you will be in the new league at start of next season.

Just thinking through the consequences of moving to a new league.

I'm assuming take-up won't be massive and the standard will be lower in the new leagues.

Am I right in thinking that being in a higher but worse division than England will effectively improve finances, attendances etc, but reduce xp and therefore reduce global ranking?
2023-01-03 09:42 Edited by Tegimus at 2023-01-03 09:43
Raderian wrote :
About the new match timings, I am a bit concerned about the fitness of the players (when also playing in a global competition). It seeems to me that some leagues have a bit of advantage and get more recovery time before/after the global matches.

Every team will have at least 8 hours after a league match to the next global competition match which is enough to regain full fitness in normal scenarios. And 8 hours is what it is currently too.

Some countries will get more than 8 hours to rest between league match and a global competition match, but that means they will have less time after the global match to the next league match. So it balances out in a way. But in normal cases, getting a few hours extra gap doesn't give you any real advantage or disadvantage. It all depends on how you manage your friendlies and players' fitness.
Turan Metin
2023-01-04 08:33
I demand to move the 23rd season to the Turkish league.
2023-01-04 08:41
Just reduce fitness lost in friendly games next season.
2023-01-04 09:17
Turan Metin wrote :
I demand to move the 23rd season to the Turkish league.

Please create a support ticket for the same under General category.
Turan Metin
2023-01-04 10:19
Tegimus wrote :
Turan Metin wrote :
I demand to move the 23rd season to the Turkish league.

Please create a support ticket for the same under General category.

I sent
2023-01-10 04:07
Tegimus wrote :
Global Competitions qualification spots
Since we are doubling the number of available countries, we have to reduce the champions cup and super cup spots for each country into half. So for Season 24, each of the 16 countries will have only 2 qualification spots for the Champions Cup and 2 for the Super Cup each season. A new third global competition will also commence in Season 24, in which 32 teams can participate, so there will be 2 spots available for this new competition from every country.

Considering the fact that the usual meaning of the Super Cup is different in real life football, I would suggest the following names for the global competitions:
- Champions Cup (CC)
- International Cup (IC) - the current Super Cup
- International Trophy (IT) - the future 3rd competition

I also believe than the national cup competition should be called National Cup instead of National Trophy.
2023-01-11 08:13
Match time should really matter much for young players from the age of 21y to gain further xp
Having to start 16y always and wasting young talents in reserve makes no sense.
2023-01-15 00:09
It would be nice to know how many teams have already signed to play in the new countries.
2023-01-15 05:49
samtis wrote :
It would be nice to know how many teams have already signed to play in the new countries.

I’m curious about this as well
2023-01-15 11:09
Adam C. wrote :
samtis wrote :
It would be nice to know how many teams have already signed to play in the new countries.

I’m curious about this as well

Me too
2023-01-15 17:33
33 teams have requested so far to move to a newly opened country next season.

Australia 3
Brazil 3
Greece 5
Malaysia 2
Norway 3
Romania 7
Turikye 3