Season 39 Round 53 / 60
Game Time 2024 Jul 27, 10:19 UTC(+00:00)
Upcoming Changes for Match Engine
Bill Beaver
2023-01-27 08:08
Tegimus, are we likely to see major changes to xp, fitness/stamina or tactics in Season 23? Or, if not, what is the most likely timeframe?
2023-01-27 09:58
Bill Beaver wrote :
Tegimus, are we likely to see major changes to xp, fitness/stamina or tactics in Season 23? Or, if not, what is the most likely timeframe?

The changes to player rating calculation based on Experience attribute and the related changes in match engine are planned to be released at the start of Season 24, given everything goes fine with testing. We can't really rush match engine changes until we are perfectly happy with testing results as even a small bug in the match engine can be game breaking. The updates to fitness loss might also get pushed in Season 24. It will be announced at the start of next season if we feel everything is on track and will be ready before season 24.

Changes to use of tactics is a much bigger update. It might be at least a couple of seasons more until that is completely ready, but we will try our best to get it up as early as possible.
Bill Beaver
2023-01-27 10:01
Many thanks for the possible timeline, Tegimus. Agree - can't rush out without testing.
2023-01-27 16:01 Edited by Makmak at 2023-01-27 16:11
Tegimus wrote :

Stamina will become a bit more important since fitness loss during matches will be increased a lot. The exact fitness loss model design is yet not complete, but I can say that fitness loss will be much higher for low stamina players, and players will need very high stamina (in addition to an excellent physio) to be able to play 2 matches in a round at full intensity. Intensity depends on how fast the match plays out, which in turn depends on the team instructions and strengths of squads of both teams.

Please anticipate the following possible upcoming issue:

If fitness drop depends on opponent's skill or stamina the teams playing in weaker leagues get a direct stamina benefit
That would be on top of the benefit of being tactically able to play with less pressure against bots.

I strongly recommend that opponent's strength is not part of the equation of fitness drop.
2023-01-27 17:07
Makmak wrote :
Tegimus wrote :

Stamina will become a bit more important since fitness loss during matches will be increased a lot. The exact fitness loss model design is yet not complete, but I can say that fitness loss will be much higher for low stamina players, and players will need very high stamina (in addition to an excellent physio) to be able to play 2 matches in a round at full intensity. Intensity depends on how fast the match plays out, which in turn depends on the team instructions and strengths of squads of both teams.

Please anticipate the following possible upcoming issue:

If fitness drop depends on opponent's skill or stamina the teams playing in weaker leagues get a direct stamina benefit
That would be on top of the benefit of being tactically able to play with less pressure against bots.

I strongly recommend that opponent's strength is not part of the equation of fitness drop.

You are forgetting that liver div players have weaker players. Try balancing around 70 stamina and 40 stamina without one being too strong or div 3 struggling to get any players to last 90 minutes. Using OPP.s stat to affect it helps with the balance, in theory.
2023-01-27 19:16 Edited by Fathima at 2023-01-27 19:18
I think opponent's strength already affects fitness loss. My players lose less fitness when they play against weak teams and get a 2 or 3 goal lead early. Which is also the case in real life, teams can relax and spend less energy when their opponents are not strong or are already in a comfortable lead.
2023-01-27 20:38
Floyd007 wrote :
Makmak wrote :
Tegimus wrote :

Stamina will become a bit more important since fitness loss during matches will be increased a lot. The exact fitness loss model design is yet not complete, but I can say that fitness loss will be much higher for low stamina players, and players will need very high stamina (in addition to an excellent physio) to be able to play 2 matches in a round at full intensity. Intensity depends on how fast the match plays out, which in turn depends on the team instructions and strengths of squads of both teams.

Please anticipate the following possible upcoming issue:

If fitness drop depends on opponent's skill or stamina the teams playing in weaker leagues get a direct stamina benefit
That would be on top of the benefit of being tactically able to play with less pressure against bots.

I strongly recommend that opponent's strength is not part of the equation of fitness drop.

You are forgetting that liver div players have weaker players. Try balancing around 70 stamina and 40 stamina without one being too strong or div 3 struggling to get any players to last 90 minutes. Using OPP.s stat to affect it helps with the balance, in theory.

Lower divisions have weaker players and compete among themselves, it is irrelevant

The problem pops up when teams from easy leagues face teams from strong leagues in CC and SC

Next season my team moves from England to Greece
Half of the league will be bots
My team may play relatively fresh in SC-CC after facing a bot while an opponent from England will be exhausted
Please bare in mind that what I recommend is not what it fits me rather the opposite...