Season 39 Round 53 / 60
Game Time 2024 Jul 27, 09:06 UTC(+00:00)
Questions to Tegimus
2023-09-02 08:09 Edited by Michael at 2023-09-02 08:11
Fathima wrote :
Have looked at only a couple of your games quickly, but think your weakness is indeed creating quality chances. How good are your attackers' flair?

Try swapping Chip Sweeney/Ameen Shahid positions, and try to play Syed Griffiths at AML instead of FL. Don't expect to make a huge difference but worth trying it though. I will look at your games when I have more time to see where you are leaking goals from.

Shahid has better flair so I tend to put him further forward.

If flair creates better chances as well as more chances I guess I'll have to just play direct or long ball until my trainees are good enough. I've always looked at style of play from a formation and quality of opposition point of view rather than the attributes of my players - maybe that's what I have been missing

I've only conceded in 6 games out of 33 and multiple goals in a game only once, so I don't feel particularly leaky it's just the stark contrast in the ratio of shots to goals between my team and my opponents.
Engin Demir
2023-09-02 09:09
Uchiha wrote :
Hi @ Tegimus, What are Hidden Attributes that can not be revealed by Scout.

The ones I've noticed so far are those:
1. Injury probability. This is already mentioned in the tutorial.
2. Strength. Higher strength has higher chances to win physical duals.
3. Vision, or Awareness. With high Vision, defenders notice the opponent runs faster and can intercept them. Forwards or midfielders can see a free player and pass to them to start a quick attack.
4. Activeness or (Passiveness): Active players get more involved in the game. They get more passes, drive, or run forward more. Passive players get fewer balls and their first instinct is to pass safely. Active Forwards will do more tackles and you can see Active defenders shooting more, especially during corners or freekicks.
5. Tendcy to take risks: Some players play safe, while some are not afraid to take risks. Risk-taking players will have lower passing accuracy but they will still have more assists in the game.

Of course, I'm only sure about the injury. Rest might be my imagination :)
2023-09-08 00:48
Hi Tegimus

I am guessing there are no changes for Season 30 as you haven't posted anything in News and you normally give us some warning, but I'm interested to hear what the next few changes are likely to be - even if they're a few seasons away.

Also interested when you're going to consider the game sufficiently as you want it to hit some advertising and get the team numbers up and if there's anything the current players can do to help with that?

2023-09-08 07:32 Edited by Tegimus at 2023-09-08 07:41
We don't have a strict road plan or timeline as such. But this season it was priority to fix a few minor bugs related to some changes we made in the last couple of seasons.

Next in line is a major user interface update, along with multi-language support and better front end technology. We seriously hope this will drive more users in, especially since we get a lot of feedback from people to our email that they quit the game due to unavailability of their language. But this is actually a huge change, and even though the initial phase is complete, it will still take at least 5 or 6 seasons if not more to completely roll out this live. So you can expect a few more seasons with no major changes apart from minor improvements or bug fixes.

We also have plans for big improvements in the match engine, especially to make it faster without cutting down on the detailed simulation. And some kind of graphical display of highlights. We were looking at the 2d match viewer seriously but at this moment we consider it as an overkill on the game's resources. We have also identified some major areas where we could improve simulation (like WBs not attacking more etc), which we want to fix during this game engine update. And if possible more tactical options, improved performance rating systems etc. as some had already suggested before.

Other confirmed changes in future are below, but these would be looked at only after the UI and game engine updates.
1. Revision of cost, build time and revenue of club facilities.
2. Overhaul on staff system: introducing wage budgets instead of the current board restrictions, increasing maximum staff limits and more attributes/roles for staff.
3. Better teamless players transfer market which is not dependent solely on released players, and better scout involvement on finding those players.
4. Interactive tutorials which should cover all the basic things that a new manager needs to get used to the game.
5. Mobile app (at least android to start with) which can reach out to a much bigger audience than a purely browser based game.

We are actually very happy with the way the game has evolved over the two and a half years since launch, but we concur to the fact that there is huge potential in terms of further development. We hope it will reach the mark that we wanted it to be in terms of users in the near future, and for that we will also look at marketing/advertisements as required. But we are not rushing things at all, partly because of lack of resources, but also because want the base/system design to be robust and flexible for updates and expansions in future.
Turan Metin
2023-09-08 13:02
Will there be a country national team update?
2023-09-08 15:15
Turan Metin wrote :
Will there be a country national team update?

Yes but nothing planned regarding that until now. We want to have national teams and competitions in future, not priority at the moment though.
Turan Metin
2023-09-08 17:38
Tegimus wrote :
Turan Metin wrote :
Will there be a country national team update?

Yes but nothing planned regarding that until now. We want to have national teams and competitions in future, not priority at the moment though.

2023-09-08 22:03
Tegimus wrote :Next in line is a major user interface update, along with multi-language support and better front end technology. We seriously hope this will drive more users in, especially since we get a lot of feedback from people to our email that they quit the game due to unavailability of their language. But this is actually a huge change, and even though the initial phase is complete, it will still take at least 5 or 6 seasons if not more to completely roll out this live. So you can expect a few more seasons with no major changes apart from minor improvements or bug fixes.

Great news, would you be willing to share some mockup image of the new UI?
Regarding the multi-language support, if you share an XML or something like that i'm sure some volunteer from the community can help you translate, maybe a first step can be a few phrases for marketing purposes. Personally I'm available for Italian if needed.

Regarding the UI, a suggestion that maybe you can consider for the new version (or even implement in this one :) )
maybe you can fix the menu on top of the screen when you scroll down, it's not much user-friendly having to scroll up or refresh the page to reach the menu again from the end of page (like in a forum topic :) )

Tegimus wrote :We also have plans for big improvements in the match engine, especially to make it faster without cutting down on the detailed simulation. And some kind of graphical display of highlights. We were looking at the 2d match viewer seriously but at this moment we consider it as an overkill on the game's resources. We have also identified some major areas where we could improve simulation (like WBs not attacking more etc), which we want to fix during this game engine update. And if possible more tactical options, improved performance rating systems etc. as some had already suggested before.

Personally a graphical display would be very much appreciated, also all the other points you stated here :)

Tegimus wrote :Other confirmed changes in future are below, but these would be looked at only after the UI and game engine updates.
1. Revision of cost, build time and revenue of club facilities.
2. Overhaul on staff system: introducing wage budgets instead of the current board restrictions, increasing maximum staff limits and more attributes/roles for staff.
3. Better teamless players transfer market which is not dependent solely on released players, and better scout involvement on finding those players.
4. Interactive tutorials which should cover all the basic things that a new manager needs to get used to the game.
5. Mobile app (at least android to start with) which can reach out to a much bigger audience than a purely browser based game.

Scared by 1, intrigued by 2-3-4, cold about 5 but it is surely a must.
Regarding new managers, maybe we (as a community, and obviously with Tegimus help) can create a sort of "mentor" figure who can proactively contact new players, helping them understands the first steps and avoiding some hard mistakes that can take a new user out of the game.

Tegimus wrote :We are actually very happy with the way the game has evolved over the two and a half years since launch, but we concur to the fact that there is huge potential in terms of further development. We hope it will reach the mark that we wanted it to be in terms of users in the near future, and for that we will also look at marketing/advertisements as required. But we are not rushing things at all, partly because of lack of resources, but also because want the base/system design to be robust and flexible for updates and expansions in future.

Agree on all of this and wish you and the dev team all the best :)
Can I suggest you to create a news about this plan you shared? or even a new topic, otherwise not everyone will read this.
2023-09-09 17:32
I feel like i say this at this time every season but why on earth do we have it so your opponents can choose to injure your players?

Hard tackles should increase the risk of injuring your own players not the opposition.

2 dead rubbers and 2 injuries because my opponents like causing their opponents grief.

Ironically the same 2 players that got injured at this stage last season - best player (of course) and then in friendly the only player down to play in the cup semi in the next round (again of course)

Makes me think injuries aren't random and are more likely to be on the best rated player on the pitch.
2023-09-10 19:37
Will other countries be added in the new season?
2023-09-11 08:34
الهيثم wrote :
Will other countries be added in the new season?

Last time new countries were added, Tegimus first made a poll, then when it was decided which countries will be added and he made a news way before the end of the seasone, so I don't think new countries will be added next season.
2023-09-13 17:37
Hi guys

Do i need a Physio IF i had a high level medical facility?

Many thanks
2023-09-13 18:19
Elliot wrote :
Hi guys

Do i need a Physio IF i had a high level medical facility?

Many thanks

Yes. Your players recover fitness based on your physio only.
Medical facility just reduces chances of injury, and increases fitness gained from resting during training.
Engin Demir
2023-09-17 17:55
Question: I logged in with a Google account and accidentally clicked my 2nd Google account today while logging in. It automatically created another account.

Is there anything I should be doing?
2023-09-17 18:08
Engin Demir wrote :
Question: I logged in with a Google account and accidentally clicked my 2nd Google account today while logging in. It automatically created another account.

Is there anything I should be doing?

Nothing to worry if that account is not used for actively playing. You can just ignore it.
We do not have any data from Google apart from your email address and profile picture. But if you really want to remove that data from our records too, then you can create a support ticket for the same.
Engin Demir
2023-09-17 18:11
Tegimus wrote :
Nothing to worry ...

Thanks. I wanted to make sure I didn't break any rules.
Mike Stone
2023-09-24 10:20
Hello Tegimus, I either have a bug or else something is wrong. In the last 3 games that my team played i.e. 1 friendly and 2 league matches I'v been recording the rating of the team chosen and also the Experience and then I check again after each match played, and I found out that experience remains the same. Is this a bug because I never experience this before. Please check for me!!!
2023-09-24 10:50
Mike Stone wrote :
Hello Tegimus, I either have a bug or else something is wrong. In the last 3 games that my team played i.e. 1 friendly and 2 league matches I'v been recording the rating of the team chosen and also the Experience and then I check again after each match played, and I found out that experience remains the same. Is this a bug because I never experience this before. Please check for me!!!

Players don't gain a +1 in xp from 1 match alone, you need several matches to get a +1. For example both your loan players are gaining +0.05 xp per match on avg, so it will take for them 20 matches to gain one full +1 xp. Lower xp players will gain faster, for example your WB Corona Cervantes gains +0.12 per match. You can see experience gains yourself if you have a plus subscription.

Your players are gaining experience as normal, checked your regular matches only, if you give me links to your friendlies I can check that too.
Mike Stone
2023-09-24 11:20
This is one of the friendly match
Mike Stone
2023-09-24 11:21