Season 45 Round 30 / 60
Game Time 2025 Jan 23, 17:20 UTC(+00:00)
Overview - Community

User Interactions

There are basically two ways for you to communicate with other users - Chat and Forums.

You can access the chat window via the Community menu. We have different chat channels like Global, League etc. which will be shown to other users who belong to that channel as the names suggest. You can also send private chat messages to other users by clicking on the Start Private Chat link in their manager profile. An chat icon will popup whenever there is a new private chat message for you, and you can directly go to chat by clicking on that icon.

Forums are the good old fashioned way of discussing things. You can access the forums via the Community menu.


Rankings are a way to display the list of teams and managers ordered by their team or manager rankings. These are updated every round, and can be accessed via the rankings link under the Manager menu.


Game News is a way of informing our users about latest happenings in F4Football. It might be announcements, or new developments in the game, or anything related to the game that we think you need to be informed about. Whenever there is fresh news, it will automatically shown to you when you login, but you can also access and browse news items via the Community menu.