Season 45 Round 30 / 60
Game Time 2025 Jan 23, 16:23 UTC(+00:00)
Overview - General Information


Your manager dashboard is the place where you can view a summary of all things related to your club. You can get a glimpse of all the important stuff here. Dashboard can be accessed via the Manager menu.

Manager Profile

Your manager profile is your in-game identity. It can be accessed by clicking on the cog-wheel icon in the top bar of the website to the right of your name. You can also view the details of other managers by clicking on their links wherever it is shown on the website. Other users can view all details regarding your profile, except some which you can mark as private. You can also customize your avatar, name etc. which will be shown to other users.

Time Zones

We understand that our users are from different parts of the world, and therefore have different timezones. By default all times in the game will be shown in server time (UTC), but you can change your default timezone from your profile page. If you choose a different timezone, all times displayed in the game will be automatically converted to your desired timezone for your convenience.

Game Notifications

Notifications are system generated messages to give you information about details relevant to you or your club in the game. You can access your notifications via the Manager menu or by clicking on the bell icon in the top right corner of the website. Some notifications are relevant only for a limited time and will be deleted from the system automatically, others stay longer.